

Philip Watch, like other watch brands, begins to develop ladies’ models of a certain prestige and design starting in the 1980s, thanks to the arrival on the market of quartz movements of outstanding quality, that made it possible to mount them even on small, thin cases without any technical problems of precision.


This model of the Dales 1980’s collection once again demonstrates the care of the designer who, first and foremost, subordinated the realization of the entire watch to rounded profiles even in the smallest details in order to eliminate every angularity, anything that might catch. In the watches dedicated to women’s wrists, the absence of sharp corners and edges is extremely important: not just for comfort, but also because it avoids pulling the threads of sweaters and laddering stockings and pantyhose. The system to enable the “slave bracelet” to open and close in an elastic way is admirable: a complex mechanism so well made that it still works after more than 30 years.


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